- active - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.RowStatusTC
- addCommunities(SnmpCommunityMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Adds community to security name mappings needed for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c.
- addCommunities(SnmpCommunityMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Adds communities
- addCommunities(SnmpCommunityMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV1
Adds communities
- addContext(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- addContextListener(ContextListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- addDefaultProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- addFExceptionListener(FExceptionListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Adds FExceptionListener
- addFExceptionListener(FExceptionListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Adds FExceptionListener
- addGetListener(FScalarGetListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
- addGetListener(FTableGetListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- addHandler(FHandler) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.BaseMib
Adds handler to the MIB.
- addImportedTCsToFactory(MOFactory) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- addLookupListener(MOServerLookupListener, ManagedObject) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- addMIB(BaseMib) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Method to add user defined MIB to the agent.
- addNode(FNode) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.BaseMib
Adds node to the MIB.
- addNotificationEntry(SnmpNotificationMIB, TargetBase.NotificationType) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Adds notification entry with default tag to notification MIB
- addNotificationEntry(SnmpNotificationMIB, TargetBase.NotificationType, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Adds notification entry to notification MIB
- addNotificationTargets(SnmpTargetMIB, SnmpNotificationMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Adds initial notification targets and filters.
- addNotificationTargets(SnmpTargetMIB, SnmpNotificationMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Adds notification target
- addNotificationTargets(SnmpTargetMIB, SnmpNotificationMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV1
Adds notification target
- addNotificationTargets(SnmpTargetMIB, SnmpNotificationMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV3
Adds notification target
- addRestoreDefaultListener(FRestoreDefaultListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FValueNode
Registers the given observer to begin receiving "restore default" events
when changes are made to the managed object.
- addRow(int...) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Adds row with specified row ID.
- addRow(FID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Adds row with specified row ID.
- addRowNext() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Row ID is generated by increasing the max first integer and
setting others (if exist) to 1.
- addSetListener(FScalarSetListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Registers the given observer to begin receiving "changed value" events
when changes are made to the managed object.
- addSetListener(FTableSetListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Registers the given observer to begin receiving "changed value" events
when changes are made to the managed object.
- addShutdownHook() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Adds shutdown hook to intercept JVM shutdown event.
- addShutdownListener(ShutdownListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Adds ShutdownListener
- addShutdownListener(ShutdownListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Adds ShutdownListener
- addShutdownListener(ShutdownListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreLifeHandler
Adds ShutdownListener
- addShutdownListener(ShutdownListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.PluginCore
Adds ShutdownListener
- addTarget(TargetBase) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
objects to the collection of targets
without actual initialization of the added target.
- addTarget(TargetBase) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
- addTargetAddress(SnmpTargetMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Adds target address to the target MIB.
- addTargetAddress(SnmpTargetMIB, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Adds target address to the target MIB.
- addTargetParams(SnmpTargetMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Adds target parameters to the target MIB
- addTCsToFactory(MOFactory) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- addUncaughtExceptionListener(UncaughtExceptionListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Adds UncaughtExceptionListener
- addUncaughtExceptionListener(UncaughtExceptionListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Adds UncaughtExceptionListener
- addUsmUser(USM) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Adds all the necessary initial users to the USM.
- addUsmUser(USM) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Adds USM user
- addUsmUser(USM) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV3
Adds USM user
- addValidationListener(FScalarValidationListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Registers the given observer to begin receiving "validation" events
when changes are made to the managed object.
- addValidationListener(FTableValidationListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Registers the given observer to begin receiving "validation" events
when changes are made to the managed object.
- addViews(VacmMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Adds initial VACM configuration.
- addViews(VacmMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Adds VACM views
- addViews(VacmMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV1
Adds VACM views
- addViews(VacmMIB) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV3
Adds VACM views
- AGENPRO_INFO - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
AgenPro info displayed in MIB browser
- agent - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
- agent - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FNode
SNMP agent
- agent() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.BaseMib
Returns SNMP agent.
- agent - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.FPlugin
SNMP agent.
- agent - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
SNMP agent
- AgentWorker - Class in org.friendlysnmp
This class is an SNMP4J agent proxy.
- AgentWorker(String, String, Properties) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
- AgentWorker.ExceptionType - Enum in org.friendlysnmp
Enumeration of exception types
- AppConfigEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppConfigEntryRow
- appDeadlock(NotificationOriginator, OctetString, VariableBinding[]) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- AppDependenciesEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppDependenciesEntryRow
- appExceptionCaught(NotificationOriginator, OctetString, VariableBinding[]) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- appExceptionUncaught(NotificationOriginator, OctetString, VariableBinding[]) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- AppInfoEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppInfoEntryRow
- AppPropEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppPropEntryRow
- appShutdown(NotificationOriginator, OctetString, VariableBinding[]) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- appStop(NotificationOriginator, OctetString, VariableBinding[]) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- DeadlocksListEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- DeadlockViewEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewEntryRow
- DEFAULT_ALLOW_BOOTS_COUNT_RESET - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default behavior is to allow boots count reset.
- DEFAULT_CONSOLE_UNCAUGHT - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default behavior is to send uncaught exception stack trace to console.
- DEFAULT_DEADLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Deadlock check interval.
- DEFAULT_IGNORE_UPDATE_MS - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
MIB browser request for some value may come many times in a short
period of time.
- DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Default name is <nodef>.
- DEFAULT_NOTIFY_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default notify retry count 1
- DEFAULT_NOTIFY_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default notification timeout 1000 millisecond
- DEFAULT_OID_ROOT - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default OID root for read / write / notify views
in vacmViewTreeFamilyTable.
- DEFAULT_PERSIST_POLICY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default persistency storage policy is ON_CHANGE.
- DEFAULT_STORAGE_COMMUNITY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default storage community type is READONLY.
- DEFAULT_STORAGE_NOTIFY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default storage notify type is READONLY.
- DEFAULT_STORAGE_VACM_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default storage VACM access type is READONLY.
- DEFAULT_STORAGE_VACM_GROUP - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default storage VACM group type is READONLY.
- DEFAULT_STORAGE_VACM_VIEWTREE - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default storage VACM viewtree type is READONLY.
- DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
SNMP4J agent thread pool size.
- DEFAULT_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default transport is UDP.
- DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_DOMAIN - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default transport domain is IPv4.
- DEFAULT_V3_PASSWORD_KEY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Default encryption key
- defaultJavaValue(int) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Returns default values of different types, like 0
numbers, empty string,
for IP address.
- delete - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyRowKeepDeleteActionTC
- deleteAll() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Deletes all rows.
- deleteRow(FID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Deletes row from managed objects table.
- destroy - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.RowStatusTC
- DumbServer - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
Many managed objects in the SNMP4J MIBs are declared private without get-methods.
- DumbServer() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- FColumn - Class in org.friendlysnmp
- FColumn() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FColumn
- FColumn(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FColumn
- FConfig - Class in org.friendlysnmp
- FConfig(String, String, Properties) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- FConstant - Class in org.friendlysnmp
- FConstant() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
- FConverter - Class in org.friendlysnmp
This class contains collection of static methods to convert
objects to and from org.snmp4j.smi.Variable
- FException - Exception in org.friendlysnmp
Exception wrapper to report SNMP error.
- FException(String) - Constructor for exception org.friendlysnmp.FException
- FException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.friendlysnmp.FException
- FException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.friendlysnmp.FException
- FExceptionListener - Interface in org.friendlysnmp.event
Objects implementing this interface should be registered with FriendlyAgent
for receiving FException objects thrown while processing SNMP requests.
- FHandler - Class in org.friendlysnmp
Base class for handlers which are dealing with XxxMibFriend classes.
- FHandler() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
- FHandler.AgentStartType - Enum in org.friendlysnmp
- FID - Class in org.friendlysnmp
Immutable wrapper which hides org.snmp4j.smi.OID
mutable implementation.
- FID() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Default ctor for deserialization
- FID(int...) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FID
- FID(OID) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FID
- FID(OID, String) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FID
- find(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistPolicy
Finds PersistPolicy
enum object from its string value.
- find(int) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.ValueSyntax
- find(int) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.ValueValidation
- fireGetEvent() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Fires GET event
- fireRestoreDefaultEvent() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FValueNode
- fixed - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyViewPolicyTC
- FNode - Class in org.friendlysnmp
Abstract base class which represents MIB node (scalar, table, notification).
- FNode(String, OID) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FNode
Constructs MIB node object
- FNotification - Class in org.friendlysnmp
Notification class.
- FNotification(String, OID, AgentWorker) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FNotification
- format(String, Throwable, Thread) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
Formats exception with custom message, thread name
and full stack trace.
- format(String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
Formats exception with custom message, current thread name
and full stack trace.
- format(String, Throwable, int) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
Formats exception with custom message, current thread name
and specified stack trace depth.
- format(String, Throwable, int, Thread) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
Formats exception with custom message, thread name (if not null)
and specified stack depth.
- format(Throwable) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
Formats exception with full stack trace without custom message and without thread name.
- format(Throwable, int) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
Formats exception without custom message and without thread name.
- formatFriendly(Throwable) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
Formats exception in friendly format (messages only).
- FPlugin - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin
- FPlugin(BaseMib) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.FPlugin
- FRestoreDefaultEvent - Class in org.friendlysnmp.event
- FRestoreDefaultEvent(FValueNode) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.event.FRestoreDefaultEvent
- FRestoreDefaultListener - Interface in org.friendlysnmp.event
Implement this interface and register it with
to receive event to restore default value.
- FRIENDLY_ENTERPRISE_ID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Private Enterprise Number assigned to FriendlySNMP
- FriendlyAgent - Class in org.friendlysnmp
This agent class is used in Java application to enable SNMP.
- FriendlyAgent(String, String, Properties) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
- FriendlyExceptionTypeTC() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyExceptionTypeTC
- FriendlyRowKeepDeleteActionTC() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyRowKeepDeleteActionTC
- FRIENDLYSNMP_INFO - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
FriendlySNMP info displayed in MIB browser
- FriendlySnmpMib - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
Constructs a FriendlySnmpMib instance without actually creating its
- FriendlySnmpMib(MOFactory) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- FriendlySnmpMib.AppConfigEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.AppDependenciesEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.AppInfoEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.AppPropEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockCheckInterval - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewFixedIndex - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewPolicy - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewFixedIndex - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewPolicy - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyExceptionTypeTC - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyRowKeepDeleteActionTC - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyViewPolicyTC - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.ShutdownApp - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMib.SysPropEntryRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMibFriend - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
- FriendlySnmpMibFriend() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- FriendlyViewPolicyTC() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyViewPolicyTC
- FScalar - Class in org.friendlysnmp
This class hides access to org.snmp4j.agent.mo.MOScalar
The objects of this class are generated by FriendlyPro tool.
- FScalar(String, MOScalar, AgentWorker) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
- FScalarGetListener - Interface in org.friendlysnmp.event
Implement this interface and register it with
to receive GET events from MIB browser.
- FScalarSetListener - Interface in org.friendlysnmp.event
Implement this interface and register it with
to receive SET events from MIB browser.
- FScalarValidationListener - Interface in org.friendlysnmp.event
The listener interface for receiving SET validation events from MIB
- FTable - Class in org.friendlysnmp
This class hides access to org.snmp4j.agent.mo.MOTable
The objects of this class are generated by FriendlyPro tool.
- FTable(String, MOTable, AgentWorker, FColumn...) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- FTableGetListener - Interface in org.friendlysnmp.event
Implement this interface and register it with
to receive GET events from MIB browser.
- FTableSetListener - Interface in org.friendlysnmp.event
Implement this interface and register it with
to receive SET events from MIB browser.
- FTableValidationListener - Interface in org.friendlysnmp.event
The listener interface for receiving SET validation events from MIB
- FULL_STACK - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
- FValueNode - Class in org.friendlysnmp
Abstract base class which represents MIB node with a value (scalar, table).
- FValueNode(String, OID) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.FValueNode
- get(FScalar) - Method in interface org.friendlysnmp.event.FScalarGetListener
Register object of this class with
and this method
will be called on GET event from MIB browser.
- get(FTable) - Method in interface org.friendlysnmp.event.FTableGetListener
Register object of this class with
and this method
will be called on GET event from MIB browser.
- getAddress() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- getAgent() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Returns agent: CommandProcessor object.
- getAppConfigEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getAppConfigEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getAppConfigKey() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppConfigEntryRow
- getAppConfigValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppConfigEntryRow
- getAppDeadlock() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getAppDependencies() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
Returns application dependencies collection: external jars, used tools,
and so on.
- getAppDependenciesDesc() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppDependenciesEntryRow
- getAppDependenciesEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getAppDependenciesEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getAppDependenciesName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppDependenciesEntryRow
- getAppExceptionCaught() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getAppExceptionUncaught() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getAppInfo() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
Returns collection of application information: title, version and so on.
- getAppInfoDesc() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppInfoEntryRow
- getAppInfoEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getAppInfoEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getAppInfoName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppInfoEntryRow
- getAppProp() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
Returns application properties.
- getAppPropEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getAppPropEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getAppProperty(String) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- getAppPropKey() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppPropEntryRow
- getAppPropValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppPropEntryRow
- getAppShutdown() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getAppStop() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getAppTitle() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
Returns application title
- getAuthenticationFailure() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getBytes() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Returns array of bytes presenting internal OID
- getColdStart() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getColumn(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- getColumn(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTable
- getColumnCount() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Returns number of columns.
- getColumnCount() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTable
- getColumns() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- getColumnSyntax(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- getColumnSyntax(FColumn) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- getColumnSyntax(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTable
- getConfig() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Returns configuration object
- getConfigBoolean(String) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- getConfigInteger(String) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- getConfigProp() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- getConfigString(String) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- getContexts() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- getDeadlockCheckInterval() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getDeadlockCheckInterval() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getDeadlocksListBlockedByThreadID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- getDeadlocksListBlockedByThreadName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- getDeadlocksListBlockedTime() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- getDeadlocksListEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getDeadlocksListEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getDeadlocksListLock() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- getDeadlocksListThreadName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- getDeadlockThreadLine() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewEntryRow
- getDeadlockViewEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getDeadlockViewEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getDeadlockViewFixedIndex() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getDeadlockViewFixedIndex() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getDeadlockViewPolicy() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getDeadlockViewPolicy() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getExceptionLine() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewEntryRow
- getExceptionsListAction() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- getExceptionsListClass() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- getExceptionsListCount() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- getExceptionsListEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getExceptionsListEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getExceptionsListLastOccur() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- getExceptionsListMessage() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- getExceptionsListThread() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- getExceptionsListType() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- getExceptionViewEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getExceptionViewEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getExceptionViewFixedIndex() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getExceptionViewFixedIndex() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getExceptionViewPolicy() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getExceptionViewPolicy() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getFID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNode
Returns FID
- getFID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryNode
- getFIDtoString() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Returns internal OID + name string.
- getFIDtoString() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNode
Returns internal OID + name string.
- getId_InMIB() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FColumn
- getIgnoreUpdateMs() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Returns ignore updates interval (in milliseconds).
- getIndex_InTable() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FColumn
- getInetAddress() - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
Returns network host in the following preferences order: (1)IPv4 host,
(2)IPv6 host if IPv4 host is not found, (3)localhost if none of
the above is found.
- getInt() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Returns array of integers presenting internal OID
- getMib() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.FPlugin
- getModuleName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyExceptionTypeTC
- getModuleName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyRowKeepDeleteActionTC
- getModuleName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyViewPolicyTC
- getMOScalar() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Returns SNMP4J underlying managed object.
- getMOScalar(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- getMOTable() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Returns SNMP4J underlying managed object.
- getMOTable(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- getName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FColumn
- getName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Returns name
- getName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNode
Returns name
- getName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyExceptionTypeTC
- getName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyRowKeepDeleteActionTC
- getName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyViewPolicyTC
- getNode(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
- getNode() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.event.FRestoreDefaultEvent
- getNode(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Returns node registered in one of agent's mib
- getNotification(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
- getNotification(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Returns notification registered in one of agent's mib.
- getNotifyAddress() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- getOID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Returns copy of internal OID
- getOID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNode
Returns copy of internal OID
- getOID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTableRow
- getOIDSize() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNode
Returns size of internal OID
- getOIDtoString() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Returns internal OID toString()
- getPersistCellColumnIndex() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- getPersistCellColumnName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- getPersistCellColumnOID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- getPersistCellColumnSyntax() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- getPersistCellEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getPersistCellEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getPersistCellRowOID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- getPersistCellTableName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- getPersistCellTableOID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- getPersistCellValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- getPersistPolicy() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Returns persistence policy
- getPersistScalar(FID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Returns persistent scalar entry or null if not exist.
- getPersistScalar(FID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorageImpl
Returns persistent scalar entry or null if not exist.
- getPersistScalarAction() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- getPersistScalarEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getPersistScalarEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getPersistScalarName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- getPersistScalarOID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- getPersistScalars() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Returns array of persistent entries with scalars
in this persistence storage.
- getPersistScalars() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorageImpl
Returns array of persistent entries with scalars
in this persistence storage.
- getPersistScalarSyntax() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- getPersistScalarValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- getPersistStorage() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Returns default persistence storage object.
- getPersistStorage() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNode
Returns persistence storage object.
- getPersistStorage() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Returns persistence storage.
- getPersistTable(FID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Returns persistent scalar entry or null if not exist.
- getPersistTable(FID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorageImpl
Returns persistent scalar entry or null if not exist.
- getPersistTableAction() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- getPersistTableColumnCount() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- getPersistTableEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getPersistTableEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getPersistTableName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- getPersistTableOID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- getPersistTableRowCount() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- getPersistTables() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Returns array of persistent entries with scalars
in this persistence storage.
- getPersistTables() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorageImpl
Returns array of persistent entries with scalars
in this persistence storage.
- getPlugins() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- getProcessingModel() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Return message processing model.
- getRegisteredContexts(ManagedObject) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- getRowCount() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Returns rows count.
- getRowCount() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTable
- getRowID(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Finds row ID by row index.
- getRowIndex(FID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Finds row index specified by row ID.
- getRows() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTable
- getScalar(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
- getScalar() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.event.FRestoreDefaultEvent
- getScalar(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Returns scalar registered in one of agent's mib
- getScalarSyntax() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryScalar
- getScalarValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryScalar
- getSecurityLevel() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Returns security level.
- getSecurityModel() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Returns security model.
- getServer() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Returns server object.
- getShutdownApp() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getShutdownApp() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getSnmpCommunityEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpCommunityMibF
- getSnmpEnableAuthenTraps() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSnmpEngineBoots() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpFrameworkMibF
- getSnmpEngineBootsFID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Returns FID of the snmpEngineBoots scalar.
- getSnmpEngineID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpFrameworkMibF
- getSnmpEngineMaxMessageSize() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpFrameworkMibF
- getSnmpEngineTime() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpFrameworkMibF
- getSnmpInASNParseErrs() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSnmpInBadCommunityNames() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSnmpInBadCommunityUses() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSnmpInBadVersions() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSnmpInPkts() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSnmpNotifyEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpNotificationMibF
- getSnmpNotifyFilterEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpNotificationMibF
- getSnmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpNotificationMibF
- getSnmpProxyDrops() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSnmpProxyEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpProxyMibF
- getSnmpSetSerialNo() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSnmpSilentDrops() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSnmpTargetAddrEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
- getSnmpTargetAddrExtEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpCommunityMibF
- getSnmpTargetParamsEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
- getSnmpTargetSpinLock() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
- getSnmpUnavailableContexts() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
- getSnmpUnknownContexts() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
- getSyntax() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Returns syntax of the scalar value.
- getSysContact() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSysDescr() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSysLocation() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSysName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSysObjectID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSysOREntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSysORLastChange() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSysPropEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- getSysPropEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- getSysPropKey() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.SysPropEntryRow
- getSysPropValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.SysPropEntryRow
- getSysServices() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getSysUpTime() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- getTable(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
- getTable() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.event.FRestoreDefaultEvent
- getTable(OID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Returns table registered in one of agent's mib
- getTargetAddrName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
The method creates read-only "Name" for the column snmpTargetAddrName
in the table snmpTargetMIB.snmpTargetAddrTable.
- getTargetName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
- getTargetParamsName() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
The method creates read-only "Name" which is used in two places
linking them:
- getTargets(String) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- getTimestampNow() - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
Current timestamp in string format.
- getTransport() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Returns transport
- getTransportAddress() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Return transport address.
- getTransportDomain() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Returns transport domain
- getTransportDomainOID() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Returns transport domain OID
- getTransportDomainOID(TransportDomain) - Method in enum org.friendlysnmp.TransportSnmp
- getType() - Method in enum org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker.ExceptionType
- getUsmStatsDecryptionErrors() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- getUsmStatsNotInTimeWindows() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- getUsmStatsUnknownEngineIDs() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- getUsmStatsUnknownUserNames() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- getUsmStatsUnsupportedSecLevels() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- getUsmStatsWrongDigests() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- getUsmUserEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- getUsmUserSpinLock() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- getVacmAccessEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpVacmMibF
- getVacmContextEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpVacmMibF
- getVacmSecurityToGroupEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpVacmMibF
- getVacmViewSpinLock() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpVacmMibF
- getVacmViewTreeFamilyEntry() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpVacmMibF
- getValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Returns value of the scalar managed object.
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTableRow
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppConfigEntryRow
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppDependenciesEntryRow
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppInfoEntryRow
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppPropEntryRow
- getValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockCheckInterval
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewEntryRow
- getValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewFixedIndex
- getValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewPolicy
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewEntryRow
- getValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewFixedIndex
- getValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewPolicy
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- getValue() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ShutdownApp
- getValue(int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.SysPropEntryRow
- getValueAt(FID, FColumn) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Gets the value of specified cell.
- getWarmStart() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- id - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryNode
- idxAppConfigKey - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxAppConfigValue - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxAppDependenciesDesc - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxAppDependenciesName - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxAppInfoDesc - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxAppInfoName - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxAppPropKey - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxAppPropValue - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxDeadlocksListBlockedByThreadID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxDeadlocksListBlockedByThreadName - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxDeadlocksListBlockedTime - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxDeadlocksListLock - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxDeadlocksListThreadName - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxDeadlockThreadLine - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxExceptionLine - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxExceptionsListAction - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxExceptionsListClass - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxExceptionsListCount - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxExceptionsListLastOccur - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxExceptionsListMessage - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxExceptionsListThread - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxExceptionsListType - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistCellColumnIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistCellColumnName - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistCellColumnOID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistCellColumnSyntax - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistCellRowOID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistCellTableName - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistCellTableOID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistCellValue - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistScalarAction - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistScalarName - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistScalarOID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistScalarSyntax - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistScalarValue - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistTableAction - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistTableColumnCount - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistTableName - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistTableOID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxPersistTableRowCount - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxSysPropKey - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- idxSysPropValue - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- init() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's initialized.
- init() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Initializes SNMP agent.
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.BaseMib
Actual implementation is provided in generated MIB-to-Java class.
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpCommunityMibF
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpFrameworkMibF
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpNotificationMibF
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpProxyMibF
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpVacmMibF
- init() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreAppInfoHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's initialized.
- init() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreExceptionsHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's initialized.
- init() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CorePersistenceHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's initialized.
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Initializes target
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV1
Initializes target
- init(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV3
Initializes target
- initAgent() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
This method performs all essential actions as
- initMessageDispatcher() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Initializes the message dispatcher (MessageDispatcherImpl
) with
the transport mappings.
- initPlugin() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.PluginCore
The agent calls this method to initialize plugin.
- initPlugin() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.FPlugin
The agent calls this method to initialize plugin.
- initSecurityModels() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Initializes security models.
- initTransportMappings() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Initializes the transport mappings (ports) to be used by the agent.
- isAccessibleForWrite() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- isCellEditable(FID, FColumn) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Checks the editable flag for the specified cell.
- isContextSupported(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- isInited() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.BaseMib
Checks the state of this MIB object.
- isIntegerEqual(Object, int) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
This method is a shortcut for Integer.valueOf(n).equals(obj)
- isPersistLoaded() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FValueNode
Returns flag that this node was loaded from persistent storage.
- isRunning() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
- isRunning() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Returns state of the SNMP agent.
- isValueOK(SubRequest) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockCheckInterval
- isValueOK(SubRequest) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewFixedIndex
- isValueOK(SubRequest) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewPolicy
- isValueOK(SubRequest) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewFixedIndex
- isValueOK(SubRequest) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewPolicy
- isValueOK(SubRequest) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ShutdownApp
- isVolatile() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Returns volatile flag.
- isVolatile() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Returns volatile flag.
- isVolatile() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FValueNode
Returns volatile flag.
- iterator() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- keep - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.FriendlyRowKeepDeleteActionTC
- KEY_ADDRESS_SEND_NOTIFY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines address to send notifications
from THIS application to this address (MIB browser).
- KEY_ADDRESS_SET_GET - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines address of THIS application
to respond on SET and GET requests from MIB browser.
- KEY_ALLOW_BOOTS_COUNT_RESET - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file to disallow application boots count reset.
- KEY_CONSOLE_UNCAUGHT - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines how stack trace is shown in a console.
- KEY_ENGINE_ID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines local engine ID.
- KEY_IGNORE_UPDATE_MS - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines ignore updates time.
- KEY_NOTIFY_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines notify retry count.
- KEY_NOTIFY_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines notify timeout.
- KEY_OID_ROOT_NOTIFY_VIEW - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines root OID for the notify view in the
- KEY_OID_ROOT_READ_VIEW - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines root OID for the read view in the
- KEY_OID_ROOT_WRITE_VIEW - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines root OID for the write view in the
- KEY_PERSIST_FILENAME - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines persistence storage filename.
- KEY_PERSIST_POLICY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines persistence storage policy.
- KEY_PLUGIN_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines plugin class.
- KEY_STORAGE_COMMUNITY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines community storage type.
- KEY_STORAGE_NOTIFY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines notify storage type.
- KEY_STORAGE_VACM_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines VACM access storage type.
- KEY_STORAGE_VACM_GROUP - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines VACM group storage type.
- KEY_STORAGE_VACM_VIEWTREE - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines VACM viewtree storage type.
- KEY_THREAD_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
SNMP4J agent thread pool size.
- KEY_TRANSPORT - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines transport.
- KEY_TRANSPORT_DOMAIN - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines transport domain.
- KEY_V1_COMMUNITY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines V1 communities separated by spaces.
- KEY_V2_COMMUNITY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines V2 communities separated by spaces.
- KEY_V3_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
A key in a properties file defines SNMPv3 context.
- KEY_V3_PASSWORD_AUTH - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
A key in a properties file defines SNMPv3 authentication password.
- KEY_V3_PASSWORD_KEY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
A key in a properties file defines SNMPv3 password encryption key.
- KEY_V3_PASSWORD_PRIV - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
A key in a properties file defines privileges password.
- KEY_V3_PROTOCOL_AUTH - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
A key in a properties file defines SNMPv3 authentication protocol.
- KEY_V3_PROTOCOL_PRIV - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
A key in a properties file defines SNMPv3 privileges protocol.
- KEY_V3_USER - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Key in a properties file defines SNMPv3 users separated by spaces.
- oidAppConfigEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppConfigIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppDeadlock - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppDependenciesEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppDependenciesIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppExceptionCaught - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppExceptionUncaught - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppInfoEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppInfoIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppPropEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppPropIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppShutdown - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidAppStop - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidDeadlockCheckInterval - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidDeadlocksListDeadlockID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidDeadlocksListEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidDeadlocksListThreadID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidDeadlockThreadID - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidDeadlockViewEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidDeadlockViewFixedIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidDeadlockViewPolicy - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidExceptionIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidExceptionsListEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidExceptionsListIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidExceptionViewEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidExceptionViewFixedIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidExceptionViewPolicy - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidFriendlySnmpMib - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
OID of this MIB module for usage which can be
used for its identification.
- oidPersistCellEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidPersistCellIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidPersistScalarEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidPersistScalarIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidPersistTableEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidPersistTableIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidShutdownApp - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidSnmpEnableAuthenTraps - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
Duplicate to private org.snmp4j.agent.mo.snmp.SNMPv2MIB
- oidSnmpTargetAddrEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
Duplicate to private org.snmp4j.agent.mo.snmp.SnmpTargetMIB
- oidSnmpTargetParamsEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
Duplicate to private org.snmp4j.agent.mo.snmp.SnmpTargetMIB
- oidSnmpTargetSpinLock - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
Duplicate to private org.snmp4j.agent.mo.snmp.SnmpTargetMIB
- oidSysORLastChange - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
Duplicate to private org.snmp4j.agent.mo.snmp.SNMPv2MIB
- oidSysPropEntry - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- oidSysPropIndex - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- org.friendlysnmp - package org.friendlysnmp
Provides classes and interfaces to access FriendlySNMP API.
- org.friendlysnmp.event - package org.friendlysnmp.event
Provides classes and interfaces for event handling in FriendlySNMP API.
- org.friendlysnmp.mib - package org.friendlysnmp.mib
Provides classes to access managed objects in MIBs supported by FriendlySNMP and SNMP4J.
- org.friendlysnmp.persist - package org.friendlysnmp.persist
Provides persistency for scalars and tables in FriendlySNMP API.
- org.friendlysnmp.plugin - package org.friendlysnmp.plugin
Provides base class for plugins in FriendlySNMP API.
- org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core - package org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
Contains classes to support FRIENDLY-SNMP-MIB.
- org.friendlysnmp.target - package org.friendlysnmp.target
Provides classes for custom and default SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 targets in FriendlySNMP API.
- parseBITS16(int) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses 16 bit integer to OctetString
- parseBITS32(int) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses 32 bit integer to OctetString
- parseBITS64(long) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses 64 bit integer to OctetString
- parseCounter32(Object) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses Long or String to Counter32.
- parseCounter64(Object) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses Long or String to Counter64.
- parseInteger32(Object) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses Integer or String to Integer32.
- parseIpAddress(Object) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses InetAddress or String to IpAddress.
- parseOID(Object) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses Number[], int[] or String to OID.
- parseTimeTicks(Object) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses Long or String to TimeTicks.
- parseUnsignedInteger32(Object, int) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Parses Long or String to UnsignedInteger32.
- PersistCellEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- PersistEntryNode - Class in org.friendlysnmp.persist
Persistence storage entry class.
- PersistEntryNode() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryNode
- PersistEntryNode(FNode) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryNode
- PersistEntryScalar - Class in org.friendlysnmp.persist
Persistence storage entry class.
- PersistEntryScalar() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryScalar
Default ctor for deserialization
- PersistEntryScalar(FScalar) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryScalar
- PersistEntryTable - Class in org.friendlysnmp.persist
Persistence storage entry class.
- PersistEntryTable() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTable
Default ctor for deserialization
- PersistEntryTable(FTable) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTable
- PersistEntryTableRow - Class in org.friendlysnmp.persist
Persistence storage entry class.
- PersistEntryTableRow() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTableRow
Default ctor for deserialization
- PersistEntryTableRow(OID, int) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTableRow
- PersistExternalizable - Class in org.friendlysnmp.persist
- PersistExternalizable(boolean) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistExternalizable
- persistLoaded - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FValueNode
Flag with indication that scalar was loaded from persistent storage.
- PersistPolicy - Enum in org.friendlysnmp.persist
Persistence policy.
- persistPolicy - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Persistence policy
- PersistScalarEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- PersistStorage - Class in org.friendlysnmp.persist
Abstract persistence storage class which gives an option for various
persistency implementations.
- PersistStorage() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
- PersistStorageImpl - Class in org.friendlysnmp.persist
Implementation of PersistStorage
, which provides persistence
in plain HashMap<String,String>
serialized into file.
- PersistStorageImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorageImpl
- PersistTableEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- PluginCore - Class in org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core
Base class for core plugin classes.
- PluginCore() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.PluginCore
- PREFIX_APP - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Agent properties entry key prefix for filtering out application
information list.
- PREFIX_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
Agent properties entry key prefix for filtering out application
dependencies list
- put(FScalar) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Saves scalar in persistence storage.
- put(FTable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Saves table in persistence storage.
- put(FScalar) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorageImpl
Saves scalar in persistence storage.
- put(FTable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorageImpl
Saves table in persistence storage.
- readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FColumn
- readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
- readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryNode
- readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryScalar
- readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTable
- readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTableRow
- readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistExternalizable
- register(ManagedObject, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- registerManagedObjects() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Register managed objects in registered MIBs at the agent's server.
- registerMib(BaseMib) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
- registerMib(BaseMib) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreDeadlockHandler
- registerMib(BaseMib) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreExceptionsHandler
- registerMib(BaseMib) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreLifeHandler
- registerMib(BaseMib) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CorePersistenceHandler
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.BaseMib
Registers objects.
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpCommunityMibF
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpFrameworkMibF
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpNotificationMibF
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpProxyMibF
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpVacmMibF
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- registerMOs(MOServer, OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMibFriend
- remove(FID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Removes object from persistence storage.
- remove(FID) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorageImpl
Removes object from persistence storage.
- removeContext(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- removeContextListener(ContextListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- removeFExceptionListener(FExceptionListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Removes FExceptionListener
- removeFExceptionListener(FExceptionListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Removes FExceptionListener
- removeGetListener(FScalarGetListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
- removeGetListener(FTableGetListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- removeLookupListener(MOServerLookupListener, ManagedObject) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.DumbServer
- removeRestoreDefaultListener(FRestoreDefaultListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FValueNode
Unregisters the given observer to stop receiving "restore default" events
when changes are made to the managed object.
- removeSetListener(FScalarSetListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so it will
no longer receive change updates.
- removeSetListener(FTableSetListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Unregisters the given observer from the notification list so it will
no longer receive change updates.
- removeShutdownListener(ShutdownListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Removes ShutdownListener
- removeShutdownListener(ShutdownListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Removes ShutdownListener
- removeShutdownListener(ShutdownListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreLifeHandler
Removes ShutdownListener
- removeShutdownListener(ShutdownListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.PluginCore
Removes ShutdownListener
- removeUncaughtExceptionListener(UncaughtExceptionListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Removes UncaughtExceptionListener
- removeUncaughtExceptionListener(UncaughtExceptionListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Removes UncaughtExceptionListener
- removeValidationListener(FScalarValidationListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Unregisters the given observer to stop receiving "validation" events
when changes are made to the managed object.
- removeValidationListener(FTableValidationListener) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Unregisters the given observer to stop receiving "validation" events
when changes are made to the managed object.
- reportException(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Call this method to report a caught exception in the application
to the MIB browser.
- reportException(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Use this method to report caught exception to MIB browser via SNMP.
- reportException(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.mib.BaseMib
Use this method to report caught exception to MIB browser via SNMP.
- reportException(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreExceptionsHandler
Adds exception to the list
- reportException(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.PluginCore
Call this method to report a caught exception in the application
to the MIB browser.
- restoreDefault(FRestoreDefaultEvent) - Method in interface org.friendlysnmp.event.FRestoreDefaultListener
Register object of this class with
node to receive event on removing persistency entry
for this node in the MIB browser or setVolatile(true) method call.
- RowStatusTC - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
Convenience class to use RowStatus integer values.
- RowStatusTC() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.RowStatusTC
- save() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Saves persistence storage.
- save() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorageImpl
Saves persistence storage.
- sendNotification(OID, VariableBinding[]) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Sends notification.
- sendNotification() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNotification
Sends notification without any parameters
- sendNotification(Object) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNotification
Sends notification with a single parameter
- sendNotification(Object[]) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNotification
Sends notification with parameters
- sendNotification(Object[], OID[]) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNotification
Sends notification with parameters declared in a MIB file.
- set(FScalar) - Method in interface org.friendlysnmp.event.FScalarSetListener
Register object of this class with
and this method
will be called on SET event from MIB browser.
- set(FTable, FID, FColumn, TableRowAction) - Method in interface org.friendlysnmp.event.FTableSetListener
Register object of this class with
and this method
will be called on SET event from MIB browser.
- setAgent(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
- setAgent(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FNode
Sets the agent.
- setAgent(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
- setAgent(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- setAgent(AgentWorker) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.FPlugin
- setAppConfigKey(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppConfigEntryRow
- setAppConfigValue(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppConfigEntryRow
- setAppDependenciesDesc(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppDependenciesEntryRow
- setAppDependenciesName(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppDependenciesEntryRow
- setAppInfoDesc(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppInfoEntryRow
- setAppInfoName(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppInfoEntryRow
- setAppPropKey(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppPropEntryRow
- setAppPropValue(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppPropEntryRow
- setDeadlocksListBlockedByThreadID(UnsignedInteger32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- setDeadlocksListBlockedByThreadName(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- setDeadlocksListBlockedTime(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- setDeadlocksListLock(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- setDeadlocksListThreadName(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- setDeadlockThreadLine(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewEntryRow
- setDefaultValues(Object...) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Sets default cell values for a new row.
- setExceptionLine(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewEntryRow
- setExceptionsListAction(Integer32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- setExceptionsListClass(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- setExceptionsListCount(UnsignedInteger32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- setExceptionsListLastOccur(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- setExceptionsListMessage(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- setExceptionsListThread(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- setExceptionsListType(Integer32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- setPersistCellColumnIndex(UnsignedInteger32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- setPersistCellColumnName(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- setPersistCellColumnOID(UnsignedInteger32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- setPersistCellColumnSyntax(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- setPersistCellRowOID(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- setPersistCellTableName(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- setPersistCellTableOID(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- setPersistCellValue(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- setPersistPolicy(PersistPolicy) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Sets persistence policy
- setPersistScalarAction(Integer32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- setPersistScalarName(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- setPersistScalarOID(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- setPersistScalarSyntax(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- setPersistScalarValue(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- setPersistStorage(PersistStorage) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Sets persistence storage.
- setPersistTableAction(Integer32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- setPersistTableColumnCount(UnsignedInteger32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- setPersistTableName(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- setPersistTableOID(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- setPersistTableRowCount(UnsignedInteger32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- setSNMP(int, int, int) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
- setSysPropKey(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.SysPropEntryRow
- setSysPropValue(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.SysPropEntryRow
- setValue(Object) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Sets scalar managed object value.
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppConfigEntryRow
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppDependenciesEntryRow
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppInfoEntryRow
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.AppPropEntryRow
- setValue(UnsignedInteger32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockCheckInterval
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlocksListEntryRow
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewEntryRow
- setValue(UnsignedInteger32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewFixedIndex
- setValue(Integer32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.DeadlockViewPolicy
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionsListEntryRow
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewEntryRow
- setValue(UnsignedInteger32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewFixedIndex
- setValue(Integer32) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ExceptionViewPolicy
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistCellEntryRow
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistScalarEntryRow
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.PersistTableEntryRow
- setValue(OctetString) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.ShutdownApp
- setValue(int, Variable) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.SysPropEntryRow
- setValueAt(Object, FID, FColumn) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
Sets the value for the specified cell.
- setValueEx(Object) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Sets scalar managed object value.
- setVolatile(boolean) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FValueNode
Sets the volatile flag for this node.
- setVolatilePrivate(boolean) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
- setVolatilePrivate(boolean) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FTable
- setVolatilePrivate(boolean) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FValueNode
- shutdown() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's shutdown.
- shutdown() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Shutdowns SNMP agent.
- shutdown() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistStorage
Shutdowns persistence storage.
- shutdown() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreDeadlockHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's shutdown.
- shutdown() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreLifeHandler
Sends shutdown notification.
- ShutdownListener - Interface in org.friendlysnmp.event
Objects implementing this interface should be registered with FriendlyAgent
for receiving shutdown event from MIB browser.
- shutdownRequest() - Method in interface org.friendlysnmp.event.ShutdownListener
This method is called on registered object with request from MIB
browser to shutdown the application.
- size() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Returns size of internal OID
- SNMP4J_INFO - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
SNMP4J info displayed in MIB browser
- SNMP4JAGENT_INFO - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.FConstant
SNMP4J-agent info displayed in MIB browser
- SnmpCommunityMibF - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
- SnmpCommunityMibF(SnmpCommunityMIB) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpCommunityMibF
- SnmpFrameworkMibF - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
- SnmpFrameworkMibF(SnmpFrameworkMIB) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpFrameworkMibF
- SnmpNotificationMibF - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
- SnmpNotificationMibF(SnmpNotificationMIB) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpNotificationMibF
- SnmpProxyMibF - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
- SnmpProxyMibF(SnmpProxyMIB) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpProxyMibF
- SnmpTargetMibF - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
- SnmpTargetMibF(SnmpTargetMIB) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpTargetMibF
- SnmpUsmMibF - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
- SnmpUsmMibF(UsmMIB) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpUsmMibF
- SnmpV2MibF - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
- SnmpV2MibF(SNMPv2MIB) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpV2MibF
- SnmpVacmMibF - Class in org.friendlysnmp.mib
- SnmpVacmMibF(VacmMIB) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.mib.SnmpVacmMibF
- start(FHandler.AgentStartType) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's started or restarted.
- start() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Starts SNMP agent.
- start(FHandler.AgentStartType) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreDeadlockHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's started or restarted.
- start(FHandler.AgentStartType) - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreLifeHandler
Sends startup notification.
- startAgent() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Starts the agent.
- stop() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's stopped.
- stop() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FriendlyAgent
Stops SNMP agent.
- stop() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreDeadlockHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's stopped.
- stop() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.CoreLifeHandler
The method is called by SNMP agent when it's stopped.
- stopAgent() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker
Stops the agent by closing the SNMP session and associated transport mappings.
- Storage - Enum in org.friendlysnmp.target
See description field from SNMPv2-TC or RFC-2579 for
Textual Convention "StorageType".
- storageNotify - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Storage for notify
- storageVacmAccess - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Storage for Vacm access
- storageVacmGroup - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Storage for Vacm group
- storageVacmViewTree - Variable in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Storage for Vacm view tree
- SysPropEntryRow(OID, Variable[]) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib.SysPropEntryRow
- TableRowAction - Enum in org.friendlysnmp
Table rows actions performed by MIB manager.
- TargetBase - Class in org.friendlysnmp.target
This class is a base class for SNMP v2 and v3 targets.
- TargetBase(String) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
- TargetV1 - Class in org.friendlysnmp.target
SNMP v1 target implementation.
- TargetV1(String) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV1
- TargetV2 - Class in org.friendlysnmp.target
SNMP v2c target implementation.
- TargetV2(String) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV2
- TargetV3 - Class in org.friendlysnmp.target
SNMP v3 target implementation.
- TargetV3(String) - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetV3
- tcDefDisplayString - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- tcDefFriendlyExceptionTypeTC - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- tcDefFriendlyRowKeepDeleteActionTC - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- tcModuleFriendlySnmpMib - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- tcModuleSNMPv2Tc - Static variable in class org.friendlysnmp.plugin.core.FriendlySnmpMib
- ThrowableFormatter - Class in org.friendlysnmp
Helper class to format exceptions.
- ThrowableFormatter() - Constructor for class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
- throwFException(String) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- throwRuntimeException(String) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConfig
- toHtml(String) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.ThrowableFormatter
Converts a string to html format by replacing newline symbols
to <br> and space symbols to < >.
- toInt(BitSet) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
SNMP enumerates bits from left-to-right with 0-based index.
- toInt() - Method in enum org.friendlysnmp.ValueSyntax
Returns syntax integer value.
- toJava(Variable) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Converts a SMI variable to the java.lang
- toString() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FColumn
- toString() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FID
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.FScalar
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryScalar
- toString() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistEntryTable
- toString() - Method in enum org.friendlysnmp.target.Storage
- toString() - Method in class org.friendlysnmp.target.TargetBase
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in enum org.friendlysnmp.ValueSyntax
- toVariable(Object, ValueSyntax) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Converts a java.lang
object into a SMI object by calling
the appropriate 'parseXXX' methods.
- toVariable(Object, MOScalar<?>) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Converts a java.lang
object into a SMI object by calling
the appropriate 'parseXXX' methods.
- toVariable(Object, MOColumn<?>) - Static method in class org.friendlysnmp.FConverter
Converts a java.lang
object into a SMI object by calling
the appropriate 'parseXXX' methods.
- TransportDomain - Enum in org.friendlysnmp
Enumeration of supported transport domains.
- TransportSnmp - Enum in org.friendlysnmp
Enumeration of allowed transports.
- validate(FScalar, Object) - Method in interface org.friendlysnmp.event.FScalarValidationListener
Invoked when a validation event is fired.
- validate(FTable, Object, FID, FColumn, TableRowAction) - Method in interface org.friendlysnmp.event.FTableValidationListener
Invoked when a validation event is fired.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker.ExceptionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.FHandler.AgentStartType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.TableRowAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.target.Storage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.TransportDomain
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.TransportSnmp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.ValueSyntax
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.ValueValidation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.AgentWorker.ExceptionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.FHandler.AgentStartType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.persist.PersistPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.TableRowAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.target.Storage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.TransportDomain
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.TransportSnmp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.ValueSyntax
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum org.friendlysnmp.ValueValidation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- ValueSyntax - Enum in org.friendlysnmp
Enumeration defines the values for SMI syntax types.
- ValueValidation - Enum in org.friendlysnmp
SET operation validation result which is sent to MIB manager by agent.