Package | Description |
org.friendlysnmp |
Provides classes and interfaces to access FriendlySNMP API.
org.friendlysnmp.event |
Provides classes and interfaces for event handling in FriendlySNMP API.
org.friendlysnmp.mib |
Provides classes to access managed objects in MIBs supported by FriendlySNMP and SNMP4J.
org.friendlysnmp.persist |
Provides persistency for scalars and tables in FriendlySNMP API.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FTable.addRow(FID id)
Adds row with specified row ID.
FTable.addRow(int... id)
Adds row with specified row ID.
Row ID is generated by increasing the max first integer and
setting others (if exist) to 1.
Clones this object.
FTable.deleteRow(FID idRow)
Deletes row from managed objects table.
Returns FID
FTable.getRowID(int indexRow)
Finds row ID by row index.
Returns FID of the snmpEngineBoots scalar.
static FID |
FID.max(FID a,
FID b)
Compares two objects and returns max object.
Generates next ID by increasing the max first integer and
setting others (if exist) to 1.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FTable.addRow(FID id)
Adds row with specified row ID.
int |
FID.compareTo(FID that)
Comparable interface. |
FTable.deleteRow(FID idRow)
Deletes row from managed objects table.
int |
FTable.getRowIndex(FID idRow)
Finds row index specified by row ID.
java.lang.Object |
FTable.getValueAt(FID idRow,
FColumn col)
Gets the value of specified cell.
boolean |
FTable.isCellEditable(FID idRow,
FColumn col)
Checks the editable flag for the specified cell.
static FID |
FID.max(FID a,
FID b)
Compares two objects and returns max object.
void |
FTable.setValueAt(java.lang.Object obj,
FID idRow,
FColumn col)
Sets the value for the specified cell.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FTableSetListener.set(FTable table,
FID idRow,
FColumn col,
TableRowAction action)
Register object of this class with
FTable and this method
will be called on SET event from MIB browser. |
ValueValidation |
FTableValidationListener.validate(FTable table,
java.lang.Object objNewValue,
FID idRow,
FColumn col,
TableRowAction action)
Invoked when a validation event is fired.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BaseMib.collectNodes(java.util.Map<FID,FNode> c)
Collect nodes from this object
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected FID | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PersistEntryNode.getFID() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PersistEntryScalar |
PersistStorageImpl.getPersistScalar(FID id)
Returns persistent scalar entry or null if not exist.
abstract PersistEntryScalar |
PersistStorage.getPersistScalar(FID id)
Returns persistent scalar entry or null if not exist.
PersistEntryTable |
PersistStorageImpl.getPersistTable(FID id)
Returns persistent scalar entry or null if not exist.
abstract PersistEntryTable |
PersistStorage.getPersistTable(FID id)
Returns persistent scalar entry or null if not exist.
void |
PersistStorageImpl.remove(FID id)
Removes object from persistence storage.
abstract void |
PersistStorage.remove(FID id)
Removes object from persistence storage.